6652 Uppsatser om Supportive healthcare design - Sida 1 av 444
Hundägarens relation till hunden: hur hundägandet kan påverka motståndskraften mot stress hos hundägare
Stressen ökar allt med i samhället och i människors liv. Därför är det viktigt att finna sätt att motverka de negativa aspekterna av stressen för att må bra. Undersökningar gjorda i Europa och USA visar att kontakt med djur minskar stressnivån i kroppen. Ett antagande i denna studie var att om hundägare upplever sin hund på ett positivt sätt skulle detta leda till ökade buffringsresurser. D.v.s.
Utvärdering av amningsstrategi : - Vårdprofessionernas perspektiv
Research show evidence for benefits of breastfeeding and that infant-feeding-plans are supportive. Family-centered care is the theoretical framework. Family support is crucial for successful breastfeeding. It is important that society creates opportunities for mothers to breastfeed and contribute information and support by healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the midwives and child healthcare nurses found that the newest breastfeeding strategy influenced their breastfeeding- and rearing support in the County of Jönköping.
Att öppna upp sjukvårdens förändrings- och utvecklingsarbete : En studie av medskapande innovation i primärvården
Healthcare in Sweden are in need of a drastic change to meet the requirements of highly developed societies, and information technology is seen as an essential part to get there. However, the Swedish healthcare have to challenge their traditional innovation approaches as well. For example, it has become more common to engage patients in the innovation process through web-based platforms. We have been focusing on an approach called co-creation by studying a workshop, in which potential users and other stakeholders are cooperating creatively to come up with innovative solutions in order to improve healthcare practice. Our findings suggests that co-creation may increase the mutual understanding between different stakeholders, for example healthcare professionals and IT developers, enable horizontal learning through and outside the organization and also to raise concepts and actions that are responding to healthcare needs.
Hemlöshet och psykisk ohälsa : Upplevelser av stödjande eller begränsande faktorer
Background:Homeless persons who suffer of mental illness are one group which is marginalized worldwide. Homeless people have a fragmentary contact with healthcare and many of those who have drug abuse problems and mental illness are still undiagnosed. Still, this is not their only issue when various state agencies argue about who will take responsibility for this persons. Aim: To describe the factors that are perceived supportive or restrictive by homeless people with mental illness. Method: The material has been gathered via systematic and unsystematic searches and the study was designed as a literature review.
Systemtid eller vårdtid? : En arbetsplatsstudie i vårdens digitala arbetsmiljö
Swedish healthcare systems have endured harsh criticism from healthcare professionals because of their inability to understand healthcare processes. These systems have been identified as significant time consumers, and Swedish healthcare is therefore facing a major challenge to assure patient safety. The following paper is based on a workplace study, which aims to examine healthcare systems? impact on physicians? practices. Our findings show that physicians spend substantial amounts of time chasing information, rather than managing information and pursuing healthcare.
Anhörigas vardag : En kvalitativ studie om att ge omsorg till en närstående
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this thesis has been to increase the knowledge about the life situation for next of kin who are caring for the elderly and mentally disabled. Also, the impact of ?supportive actions? on the quality of life for the next of kin has been assessed. This study tried to answer the following questions:? How do next of kin perceive their every day life.? Do supportive actions lead to a better situation in your every day life.? Do supportive actions raise the quality of life for next of kinTo answer the questions above a qualitative method was used.
TAKK - hur och varför : En kvalitativ studie om användandet av tecken i förskolan
The purpose of this study is to see how preschool teachers are working with supportive signs and if it is a working tool for children's language development. Is the supportive signing just for kids with special need for support or can it be good for all children?I've done the study by interviewing preschool teachers that is working with supportive signs in preschool. I also had a questionnaire for parents that yielded less fruitful results. I have chosen to use children's language and constructivist and socio-cultural theories.What I came up with is that the supportive signs are very helpful in preschools, but it requires a lot from the one doing it.
Drömjournalen : En studie av vårdmedarbetares upplevelser av samtida och framtida vårdkommunikation
The effectiveness of communication in the Swedish healthcare system context has long been the subject of debate. Issues stemming from usability, accessability and interpretation affect the lives of patients, and yet the vocal groups in the healthcare communication debate are patients and administrators, not healthcare professionals. With the advent of eHealth services and new demands being put forth on the ability of healthcare professionals' to handle increasingly numerous and innovative systems, it is of more importance than ever to understand the healthcare professionals' work context. This article is based on interviews with five healthcare professionals concerning their views on electronic health records (EHR), eHealth services, trends in healthcare services development in Sweden, as well as their views on the future of eHealth solutions and health information technology (HIT). Analysis of collected information shows an apprehension among healthcare professionals towards electronic communication, as well as a dissatisfaction with the usability of modern healthcare systems.
Motionsvanor bland gymnasieflickor - En enkätstudie om motionsvanor samt faktorer som bidrar till regelbunden motion
Individuals of today are living in a community that encourages an inactive life. For many individuals exercise is an important part in their life and can be a health factor and contribute to the joy of living. Some environments in the individuals? everyday life are of supportive character. These supportive environments can make it easier for the individual to make healthier choices.
En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas upplevelser av stöd och hjälp.
The aim of this study was to examine former criminals? experiences of help and support of importance to leave a criminal life style. The study consists of six interviews with former criminals and earlier studies on the subject. These studies show that relapse in crime are most common among those who are socially excluded from society. They also show that important factors to end a life in criminality are for example a supportive social network.
Osäker vård? En fallstudie inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård
The swedish healthcare is in many situations one of the best in the world. But still, the healthcare system includes elemnts that reduce the efficiency. Partly becouse the swedish healthcare is largely monopolized, the servicecs are not properly prized and the economic responsibility and the liability legislation is limited. The main problem this study evolves around, is how a different liability rule would change the shape of the healthcare organisation. Abouve all, how would the approach to riskmanagement and preventive and riskreducing performance change with a diffrent liability rule.
När skötaren leder läraren
The leadership within healthcare is a constantly discussed subject. The discussion today is evolving around the physicians' lack of strive towards becoming managers within healthcare organizations. Furthermore the leadership that the nurse practice when becoming manager is on the other hand not discussed. The purpose of this study is to describe important factors of the leadership the nurse practice upon physicians in a healthcare organization as well as to explain why that is. To fulfill this purpose, we have used a qualitative case study research design including a private Swedish healthcare company.
Lean Healthcare på USiL - En förändring mot lärande
I sin strävan att bli en lärande organisation har USiL stött på problem och motstånd. Tidigare misslyckade förändringsprojekt har bidragit till ett förändringsmotstånd bland de anställda. Motståndet stärks ytterligare av den kultur och struktur som finns på sjukhuset. Lean Healthcare innebär nya roller för de anställda. De grupper som kan anses vara förlorare med ett införande av Lean Healthcare är chefer och läkare eftersom de tappar makt och inflytande.
Lean Healthcare och verksamhetsstyrning : En fallstudie på sex svenska sjukhus
Bakgrund: Under de senaste decennierna har den offentliga svenska sjukvården genomgått stora förändringar. Ett av de begrepp som implementeras är Lean Healthcare. Begreppet bör ses som en filosofi och strategi. Verksamhetsstyrningen bör anpassas efter vald stra-tegi, som exempelvis Lean Healthcare. Det finns dock inte en universell metod för hur styrningen bör anpassas efter Lean Healthcare, utan styrningen bör vara individuellt anpas-sad.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom att studera sex sjukhus utreda hur sjukhusens verksamhetsstyrning stödjer strategin Lean Healthcare.Metod: Vi uppfyllde vårt syfte genom att göra en multipel fallstudie på sex sjukhus tillhö-rande två landsting, Skåne och Jönköping Vi har intervjuat personer med olika befattningar på sjukhusen för att skapa oss en uppfattning om hur Lean Healthcare stöds i sjukhusens verksamhetsstyrning.
Faktorer som påverkar deltagande : Psykosocialt stöd vid prostatacancer
Aim: The aims of this essay were first to see if there were any factors that could have an inpact on participating in supportive care groups and activities after a prostatic cancer diagnosis. The second aim was to examine what kind of support the patients would chose. Methods: Data was collected with a survey handed out to the prostate cancer patients visiting the urologist reception at the hospital in Uppsala, during two weeks in the fall of 2011. Main Results: Men show very little interest in participating in supportive care groups and activities. When asked to chose which kind of support they could consider, individual sessions and group sessions were the most common choice. Conclusion: Men diagnosed with prostate cancer chose not to participate in supportive care. Further studies are required to determine what may be the reason to that..